Ontario Government Grants $2.3 Million to Lower Back Pain Trials
Great news came out yesterday from the Ontario government that they will be setting up and trialing 7 long term studies to help diagnosis, treat, and prevent lower back pain.
According to the Canadian Chiropractors association " low back pain affects 85 per cent of the working population at some point in their life and is second only to the common cold as a cause of lost work time" (2).
The aim of the program is to be able to provide additional hours for a range of allied health providers such as chiropractors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, kinesiologists and registered massage therapists to:
Provide faster, more accurate assessment of low back pain problems.
Use a more holistic approach to treating patients suffering from low back pain.
Educate patients on low back pain self-management techniques.
Refer patients to an appropriate health care provider as needed. (3)
It is my hope that this funding helps inter-practitioner communication and understanding between all therapists and doctors so that suffers of lower back pain can be diagnosed and treated in the most affective and efficient manner.

Some Lower back Pain Stats:
According to the Ontario Chiropractic Association (4):
The Public Health Agency of Canada found that, in 2008, the direct costs, including drug, hospital, and physician care of low back pain care in Ontario amounted to more than $390 million.
In 2012 nearly 20 per cent of Ontarians reported that their back problems were chronic.
In 2013 the WSIB reported that over the previous 10 years, low back pain was the leading part of the body injured, accounting for 17-18 per cent of lost time claims.
Written By:
Dr. Michael J Korczynski (Chiropractor)
Kingston Chiropractic and Rehabilitation
1) http://www.kingstonchiro.ca/#!Ontario-Government-Grants-23-Million-to-Lower-Back-Pain-Trials/ceiu/61D9B228-3A22-4BFA-90B4-844AD1369D37
2) www.chiropractic.ca
3) www.cbc.ca
4) www.chiropractic.on.ca
Original CBC Article: