7 Myths of Low Back Pain according to Dr. Stuart McGill
The following exert is taken from The Personal Trainer Development Centre (https://www.theptdc.com/about/). They have summarized parts...

Winter Adventure!
This is a change of blogging style from my usual, but thought I might update and try to encourage everyone to get out into and enjoy our...

Neck and Shoulder Pain: Implications of “text neck” and “Forward head posture”
Posture is an important aspect when it comes to our health. Unfortunately, in today’s busy work centered culture it is often overlooked...

Winter is Here! Beware of the SNOW!
Winter is HERE!!! With the arrival of our real first snow fall this winter please remember some handy tips for preventing injuries and...

Ontario Government Grants $2.3 Million to Lower Back Pain Trials
Great news came out yesterday from the Ontario government that they will be setting up and trialing 7 long term studies to help...

SEX and Back Pain! Is there an "IDEAL" Position?
OK, I can only imagine what your thinking! This is actually an article that was publish on the CBC website with regards to an actual...

World Spine Day
October 16th 2014 has been marked as World Spine Day. So what does this mean? The purpose of world spine day is really to make people...

To drink or not to drink... that is the question: A short look at Hydration and Exercise
Gatorade, Powerade, MiO Sport, the list goes on and on! Oh yes what about just good old water? From Lebron James cramping up during the...

To Ice or Not to Ice? New Research challenges PRICE protocols
One of the most frequent questions that clients ask me when they get hurt is "Should I use ice on my injury?". As it turns out the...

Choosing the Correct Running Shoes
I came across a great article the other day posted by "Lower Extremity Review" (orginal article link at bottom). This article goes into...