Our goal at Kingston Chiropractic and Rehabilitation is to improve the quality of life of our clients. This means that you will receive the time and care that is required. All treatments and rehabilitation / exercise plans are tailored to each individual client as each case is different.

​Standard Appointment
20 min - $60
These appointment are designed for continued chiropractic care or treatment plan care. They included and are not limited to modalities such as adjustments, mobilizations, soft tissue work, ultrasound, graston, etc. There will also be a review of any rehabilitation exercises.

Extended Appointment
​​30 min - $75​
These appointments are degined for existing clients who present with new cases / complaints / injuries that require increased examination and history taking time. More time is needed to review and provide the best possible level of care. If you are unsure if you need an extended appointment, please call or email the office. All clients not presenting to the practice within the last 6 months will require a full review of their medical history and may require this appointment.

Phone Initial Consult / Questions
​​15 minutes - Free​
Not sure if you need to see a chiropractor? Feel free to call to discuss you case or questions or better yet arrange a time to stop in the office and speak to a health professional in person. All appointments are confidential.

​New Patient Consult
​​60 min - $95
Each client who is new to the practice will be required to have a new patient consult (direct patient transfer are evlauated on a case by case basis). This appointment entails a complete history taking, orthopedic and neurological examinations, diagnosis and discussed plan of management. This is important to determine your health state and to ensure efficacy and benefit.

Rehabilitation Appointment
​​45 min - $85
One of the cornerstones of care is to not simply mask symptoms and wait for regression or future injury but to strengthen the surrounding muscles and joints to PREVENT future dysfunction. All clients are encouraged to do some form or rehabilitation whether at home or in office. All rehab and exercise appointments will be made through your practitioner.

Referral from your Specialist
​45+ min - $95
Has your doctor, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, podiatrist or any other health professional recommended that you seek alternative or chiropractic care? If so, please come prepared with all prior MRI / CT / X-rays / and all reports and any case notes so that we can best assist you by gaining a complete picture of your health. Please inform the office of your specialist referral at time of booking.